About us

We Communicate With and Fight For You

At the Weinberg Law Offices, we work tirelessly to ensure that you are compensated for the compensation that you are legally entitled to. This includes, but is not limited to medical expenses, pain and suffering, loss of earnings, and property damage. We communicate with you throughout the entire process to ensure that you know the status of your case. We also make sure that the party that is at fault for your injury is aware that we have no qualms about proceeding to litigation if they do not give you a fair settlement offer.

Types of Cases We Handle

About the Firm

Weinberg Law Offices, P.C. is headquartered in Los Angeles and handles personal injury cases across both California, Texas and Washington State. If you are injured in another state, we are able to refer you to an attorney that can help you in that state. We handle a multitude of types of cases, including but not limited to car/truck/motorcycle accidents, slip and falls, dog bites, wrongful deaths, sexual assault/harassment, and more. We offer free initial consultations and take cases on a contingency basis, therefore you will not have to pay any money upfront, and you only pay when you win. We are not limited to fighting for clients strictly in Los Angeles. Many of our clients reside in other cities across Texas and California and Washington and choose to communicate via phone, text, or zoom, all options which we provide. No matter where you live, we are able to send documents to you in person, online, or by mail. We are also able to make appearances in any court in California, Texas and Washington. The majority of court appearances today are done via phone or webcam. We also utilize a network of highly experienced appearance attorneys across both states that can appear at any hearing in person if necessary. In the rare occasion that your case goes to trial, we will personally fly out to your city for the duration of the trial. We will also make sure that if you need medical treatment, you will get it upfront. Once your case is completed, the medical facilities that treated you will be compensated from the case proceeds. The cost of these medical bills, along with a number of other types of damages, are part of what we demand from the defendant or insurance company as part of your case. You will always have the option of accepting any settlement offer that is on the table, and depending on the offer, we will advise you whether it is worth continuing to litigate. Our ultimate mission is to ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve, including payment for your car repair and deductible, rental car costs, pain and suffering, loss of earnings, and medical bills. These include both damage that you have already suffered and any damage you may suffer in the future. If the insurance companies are not willing to give you that, we’ll be seeing them in court.

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What People Say


6 Best Dog Bite Lawyers in Oakland

Suffering a dog bite can be a deeply traumatic experience characterized by significant physical and psychological damage. When faced with such a crisis, choosing a top-tier Oakland dog bite lawyer is crucial to fight for rightful compensation. Many people search online, entering “best dog bite lawyer near me.” However, it’s vital to realize that high visibility in search results...

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6 Best Dog Bite Lawyers in Anaheim

Being bit by a dog can be a distressing and life-altering event, often accompanied by severe physical injuries and psychological trauma. Securing the best Anaheim dog bite lawyer is crucial for navigating the aftermath.  Many victims begin their search for the “best dog bite lawyer near me” online. However, it’s important to understand that the visibility of these attorneys...

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​​6 Best Dog Bite Lawyers in Sacramento

Experiencing a dog bite can be a profoundly traumatic event. Dog bites can often result in severe injuries, emotional distress, and significant medical expenses.  We understand the overwhelming nature of this situation and the importance of finding a skilled Sacramento dog bite lawyer. It is vital to ensure you receive fair compensation and justice. However, we also recognize that...

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