Personal Injury Lawyer Silver Spring, MD

An injury can destroy your life.We’ll help you build a stronger future.

Personal injury lawyers committed to you.
Goldberg Finnegan and Cannon Group Photo

Injury claims in Maryland can be complicated. You might have whiplash or a concussion due to a car accident in Silver Spring or College Park. Or perhaps you’re dealing with another type of injury caused by someone else’s negligence.

Every second counts after your injury or accident. You need to act fast to put yourself in a position to recover the compensation you deserve. But dealing with insurance companies can be complicated. That’s because in most cases, they don’t have your best interests at heart.

That's where we come in. When your well-being and financial stability are at stake, the right legal representation can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. Contact Goldberg Finnegan, the trusted Silver Spring personal injury lawyers you can count on to be there for you.

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Over $150 Million Recovered For Clients

Our attorneys bring a unique perspective to every case we handle at our Silver Spring, Maryland law firm. Many of our lawyers have personal experience with the legal system. Some of our family members were injured in accidents. These personal experiences motivate and shape how we work. For us, it’s more than just a job. It’s our calling.

We believe you’ll notice the difference right away. We’ll take the time to learn about your legal issues. We’ll give you our cellphone numbers. We’ll create a strategy that suits your specific case. We’ll be honest with you as well. If we believe you should settle your case or file a personal injury lawsuit, we’ll tell you. We give the same advice to clients we give to family members. You can trust us.

See Our Case results
“We give clients the same advice we would give to our mothers.”
Man in suites in an office
We Handle Complex Legal Cases
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Car Accidents
Collisions caused by other drivers often result in serious injuries – whiplash due to a rear-end accident in Silver Spring, traumatic brain injuries due to distracted driving in College Park. Whatever type of car crash you’re dealing with, our Silver Spring car accident lawyers can help.
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Truck Accidents
Truck accidents involving tractor-trailers, semi-trucks, and other large commercial trucks happen fast. Whether it’s a jackknife truck accident on I-495 or a rollover truck crash on I-95, you need to take action to protect your rights. You need our Silver Spring truck accident attorneys.
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Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcyclists in Maryland deserve to be treated with respect. Unfortunately, other drivers often cause motorcycle crashes and blame bikers for such collisions. Our Maryland motorcycle accident lawyers can help you demand justice.
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Personal Injury
Maybe you were injured on someone else’s property in Prince George’s County. It could be that you’re dealing with a slip and fall injury claim in Howard County or another community. If you were injured due to negligence, we can help. Our Maryland personal injury attorneys handle a wide range of cases involving serious injuries.
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Workers’ Compensation
Workplace injuries wreak havoc on people’s lives. Fortunately, most injured workers in Maryland can receive workers’ compensation to pay for medical bills, replacement income, and more. However, obtaining the benefits you deserve can be difficult. That’s why you need an experienced Maryland workers’ compensation lawyer working for you.
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Medical Malpractice
We trust doctors, surgeons and other medical professionals to care for us when we’re sick or injured. Unfortunately, healthcare professionals sometimes cause injuries or illnesses due to their reckless or negligent actions. When this happens, it’s critical that you have a Maryland medical malpractice attorney on your side, standing up for your legal rights.
Client Success Stories
"This law firm was very diligent when it came to handling my case. The process was quick, and they explained everything clearly."
Appiffany S.
"Attorneys that know how to get the job done all the way to the finish line and beyond! Thank You Goldberg & Finnegan."
June P.
"A very professional law firm, I will recommend to anyone who is looking for a lawyer."
Theo R.
"Very respectful, very patient, overall, a pleasure to have worked with. Really could feel that they were really working hard for the client."
Erik B.
"They really care about their clients and awesome customer service."
David T.
Fearless Fighters For Justice

Our attorneys never take the easy way out. We do what it takes to win on your terms. Sometimes, our approach involves negotiating the best possible settlement offer. Other times, our law firm will file a lawsuit and fight for you in court. Either way, our goal is the same – to obtain the maximum financial compensation you deserve.

Courtroom experience cannot be taught. Attorneys need to know the law, inside and out. They need to be in a courtroom, dealing directly with judges and juries. We don’t settle tough cases. We do what’s best for the client. And if that means going to court and filing a personal injury lawsuit, we will do the work that needs to be done to build the strongest legal case.

Legal Insights from Goldberg Finnegan

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“We litigate cases. We get good verdicts.”
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Take The First Step Toward Justice

We understand how overwhelming and confusing car accidents and other personal injuries can be for everyone involved. That’s why we want to help. When you have our legal team on your side, you can decide what happens next. Instead of insurance companies telling you what to do, you are in control.

Make your case count. Contact our Silver Spring law firm and schedule a free consultation today. Our Maryland personal injury lawyers handle cases throughout the state, including injury claims and lawsuits in Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, Howard County, Frederick County, and Charles County.

Goldberg Finnegan – your home for justice.

A man going up a stair
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