
Servicios Hispanos LLC is in Amarillo, Texas, our services began on March 1, 2006, with Spanish sales of Dish Network, over time we became an authorized retailer but not only from Dish network, we are also DIRECTV and AT&T authorized retailers. Over time we decided to give the name a recognition to their work, Jessica Felton owner and manager of Servicios Hispanos LLC added her NOTARY PUBLIC service, giving better services to the name of her company and unique dedication to her Hispanic community and her public in general.


Notary Public

All kinds of documents are notarized in English and Spanish, for the notarization the presence of everyone is required, they must bring their identification from the government of the country that the client belongs to, it must be valid and show their photograph in the identification card. It can be a driver's license or state identification, Matricula consular or Passport. Notarizamos documentos en español e inglés, para las notarizaciones deben estar presente los interesados, tiene que traer sus identificaciones del gobierno del país que pertenezca el individuo, tiene que ser una identificación vigente con fotografía, puede ser una licencia o identificación, Matrícula Consular o el pasaporte.

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We translate from English to Spanish or vice versa, we also translate certified acts "includes the translator’s signature and the signature and seal of the NOTARY PUBLIC". Traducimos del inglés al español y viceversa, además traducimos actas certificadas “incluye la firma del traductor y firma y sello del notario”.

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Preparamos todo tipo de documentos

We prepare documents such as power of attorney, Wills, Travel permits for a minor, invitation letter, labor, or other letters for migration. Preparamos carta poder, testamentos, permisos para viajar un menor, carta de invitación o trabajo u otros para migración, contratos de rentas de negocios o residenciales, contratos de compra y venta.

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  • Monday:
    9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday:
    9:00 AM - 7:00 AM
  • Wednesday:
    9:00 AM - 7:00 AM
  • Thursday:
    9:00 AM - 7:00 AM
  • Friday:
    9:00 AM - 7:00 AM
  • Saturday:
    12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
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