Multifidus Dysfunction Device | Mainstay Medical
Refer to the user handbook for a comprehensive description of indications, warnings, precautions, potential adverse events, and usage instructions. Speak with your healthcare provider if your symptoms continue, get worse, or change without warning.
The ReActiv8 System, a Multifidus Dysfunction Device is advised as a therapeutic tool for persistent low back pain that is intractable and linked to multifidus muscle dysfunction, as shown by imaging or physiological tests.
It is crucial that you let your doctor and any other healthcare providers (such as a physical therapist, chiropractor, dentist, etc.) know that you have the ReActiv8 or Multifidus Dysfunction Device implanted.
You SHOULD NOT undergo a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan since it might be dangerous for you.
Diathermy - Because it might be dangerous for you, you SHOULD NOT undergo diathermy therapy.
Cord strangulation: To prevent being strangled when using the Activator, keep the antenna cord out of your neck's reach. Avoid letting kids handle or play with the Activator.
Case damage - Burns from exposure to battery chemicals might occur if the Multifidus Dysfunction Device Activator's case is punctured or burst.